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A new horizon



Mr Julien M.

In February 2016 I forgot my foam plugs to attend a concert, I panicked very badly at the time thinking…

Mrs Magali Le C.

I have been struggling with my ear problems for 30 years now. More than half of my life has passed…

Mrs Claire D. de F.

Resurrection after 25 years of sound hell and its consequences in all areas of my daily life. The testimony necessarily…

Mr Olivier N.

In December 2016, during a concert, I suffered from a very significant sound trauma. Following it, my daily life was…

Mrs Marylise A.

Shortly before the age of 30 I started hearing tinnitus: within a few months and with the good advice of…

Mrs Anne P.

Four years ago, a virus (it seems) threw me, in a few hours, into a state of pain and sideration.…

Mr René A. – Retiree

I have hyperacusis and tinnitus certainly since everyday which were amplified with age, my life became a hell. I could…

Avril 2022

sophie l. fleuriste

Pendant 8 ans, j’ai souffert d’hyperacousie : le moindre bruit même léger (froissement de papier, sonnerie, bruit de vaisselle) me provoquait des douleurs. J’étais contraint de porter des bouchons d’oreilles de façon quasi-permanente. Les soins tout en douceur de Mme CHETRITT-BONNEYRAT ont complètement guéri mon hyperacousie. Plus aucune douleur ! J’ai pu reprendre une activité normale sans bouchons d’oreilles…