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Mr Mathieu C. – Project manager

A few months have passed after my ØREBLUE® therapy period and it is with pleasure that I share my experience.

After years of suffering, I had the chance to talk to a former patient, who encouraged me to contact the institute. His story convinced me that this pathology (although not recognised as such) could be treated or alleviated, contrary to what I was told by the great recognised specialists.

The first contact with Mr Bonneyrat was reassuring. I was able to explain the origin of my hyperacusis and tinnitus, a traffic accident 10 years earlier. As well as the expression of the discomfort felt, transforming the convivial moments of everyday life into events that can be more painful than pleasant (meetings with several people that are too noisy, the TV that is too loud, the noise of cutlery during meals, cupboards…). I always tried to act as if nothing was wrong, it was painful and I always ended up isolating myself, quiet but frustrated.

Already, the feeling of being understood during this exchange and the fact of seeing that I was not alone gave me hope, not to mention the richness of the exchange allowing me to understand that there are solutions. I went in with confidence.

On arrival at the institute, the welcome was as good as the preliminary exchange. Mrs Chetritt-Bonneyrat was able to establish the trust necessary for an exchange free of prejudice and showed remarkable listening and understanding. I came away from the preliminary interview reassured by the fact that my feelings were not imaginary but now objectified and above all with levers to work on. The conviction that the therapy could really help me punctuated this first appointment.

I quickly started the listening sessions, accompanied by personal development/soothing work, always guided in a benevolent way by Mrs Chetritt-Bonneyrat. The first listening sessions were not pleasant, the sounds bothered me and I came out tired, which lasted a few days before I felt lighter. Some sessions were more trying than others but nothing traumatic, I felt that work was being done.

Before starting this process, I started to play music, at a reasonable level of sound in relation to my problem of course. I was reassured that I could continue to play my instrument during and outside the weeks of therapy, without excess.

At the end of the therapy, the measurements showed that my sensitivity thresholds had regained the place of normal hearing thresholds. The “mechanical” aspect was thus well corrected.

My relatives, more than myself, have noticed the improvement in my ability to deal with everyday noise. I still feel discomfort and tiredness today, which fluctuates at times depending on my tiredness and my emotional state, but less so than I used to. I have understood that a process like this also relies on the emotional part of the patient and so I continue my inner work, as well as confronting embarrassing situations to learn to trivialise them.

Although the planned sessions are over, I have not been dropped overnight. Mr and Mrs Bonneyrat are available for advice and support. The well-being of their patient is clearly a priority.

I am grateful to have been able to follow this therapy, which eases my daily life and will recommend it to others.

Thank you very much.