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Mrs Claire D. de F.

Resurrection after 25 years of sound hell and its consequences in all areas of my daily life.

The testimony necessarily leads the person to reveal an intimate part of himself. Hyperacusis and tinnitus are very complex. My testimony is only valid for my ØREBLUE® experience.

What is interesting to share? I look at some of the messages posted on Oreille Malade and the ØREBLUE® Healers.

Testimonials are unverifiable: Mine is verifiable.

I have also become very suspicious in 25 years of suffering, of trying to understand, of very disappointing therapies.

I have been in therapy from November 2019 to October 2021. I am in the consolidation year.

I have been severely hyperacusic since 1997 (42 years old), diagnosed in 2001, confirmed by the measurement of my threshold of tolerance made by the audioprosthesist and the (endless) list of all the painful sounds that she asked me. As soon as my ear perceives a sound and according to its nature = very strong pain (stings, piercing, blow on the head which pushes me into the ground, slap, burn, nerve pain like that produced by a chalk on the board…). Treatment recommended: “keep yourself busy to forget, don’t cut yourself off from sounds, go on the internet to see how to live with it”.  + wearing a GBB for 18 months >> worsening of the hyperacusis = promises and €4000 in the bin, ½ of my salary. I am not phonophobic. I have had very liveable tinnitus since 1975, at 20 years old and 30% deafness due to anti-malaria drugs, ototoxic drug. I consult a lot, try many relaxation therapies. I have been wearing earplugs since 2004, but not at home, nor in my adapted job. I have an RQTH because I had a pathology recognised as disabling, but which did not become so; Hyperacusis = aggravating factor; it is not officially recognised but it makes me live in a sound hell and kills my life in all areas. Numerous sick leave, 3 years of long sick leave. I put an end to it thanks to my husband who saw me sink into depression. As my employer did not offer me a professional retraining, I had to sacrifice my job as a childcare worker. Refusing to live in total exclusion and complete silence, with the involvement of my husband and my three unfailing friends Patience, Perseverance and Hope, we built a life project to match everything I was losing, in a place adapted to my ears. It is a place of tourist reception that I also arrange for the hyperacousics and tinnitus. I talk (a little) about my experience on the website. I have been involved in a very active association since 2004 for which I accept to confront myself with a measured noise environment. At what price!

I testify since 2006: Ouest France, Presse Océan, Hebdo Sèvre et Maine, FR3 Pays de la Loire, Nantes 7. 13/01/2019: M6, in 66 minutes ” L’enfer des acouphènes ” = The chance of my life! This report was commissioned by the channel to an independent journalist and cameraman following an article about me more than 15 years ago which provoked reactions and travelled very far. I asked that “hyperacusis” be added to the title of the programme to avoid damaging confusion in the minds of viewers between tinnitus and hyperacusis. My request did not succeed, my morale was low and I wanted to exclude myself even more from life so as not to suffer any more, because I was not listened to or respected by the carers, the government and the politicians = I declined my participation. The journalist insists, I say to myself “I have nothing more to lose at this point. Who knows what the future holds for me.” Filming in November 2018. Journalists at their best. Alert from one of my trainees in the context of my Hosting activity on the notices >> Angry reaction from an Internet user who follows ØREBLUE® and is very satisfied with it. I discover the ØREBLUE® Curative Method.

No publications on “this treatment” – certification means nothing about the quality of the treatment – no detailed publication of the results of the preclinical study or for the recruitment of patients – use of the term “study” instead of “trial” when tests are carried out on humans – publication in Madame Figaro – no trace of the patent – the institute has no legal personality, it’s another company which is domiciled at the address – fanciful results for the hyper in my opinion: 100% success rate – developed by an audiopro after years of study – looks like a vulgar TRT ”

I also doubted the 100% success rate for hyperacusis, the ability to get out of 23 years of very severe hyperacusis under the yoke of a two-headed hearing monster. Reflection and personal choice. Everyone is free to check.

Not a scientist nor competent in hearing matters, I trust the content of the website based on my criteria.

Mrs. Chétritt dissociates hyperacusis and tinnitus even though they can be combined with deafness. Specific treatment for each pathology and individualised with personal hearing curves + pain threshold for hyperacusis. Prior diagnosis of 4 hours and all the time to think, to check, to take a decision and to organise. It took days and sleepless nights!

February 2019: diagnosis. My husband attends. I want to do this because he shares my problems. Live exchanges = I believe in the possibility of success for me. My husband too!
I check the statement: “The geographical location of our institute meets the specific needs of our patients with regard to the noise problems they suffer from. We are located in an area with no major traffic arteries, and the traffic around the institute is restricted, which obviously offers you the necessary comfort. The proximity of the city centre as well as the SNCF train station (we are located 6 minutes walk from the train station with a direct TGV link from Paris-Montparnasse in 2h30) contributes to the well-being of our clients, as do the hotel establishments close to our institute (150 to 300 metres) of the apartment-hotel type which can receive you for the night or for the week in an environment away from urban noise. Everything is true. Including the attention to the sound environment in the Institute.

I check that the transport from home to the institute is bearable: time, means, accompaniment.
Mrs. Chetritt submits her Method to clinical studies. Øreblue is the result of 23 years of research and major investments by a hearing care professional who is passionate about the subject. It is normal that she does not give information to the public about the design of her method.
The emotional part is part of the therapy.
To make the decision: to find the funding and to organise the therapy. My husband is involved.
Cost of the therapy + transport costs + accommodation = no coverage: no social security, mutual insurance, insurance, MDPH. No sick leave for an unrecognised therapy. I have self-employed status to manage my tourist reception centre = very expensive cost of my professional replacement. AGEFIPH subsidises part of the cost >> I have to sell a gîte, part of my work tool.
Life in brackets. And on top of that, Covid and my damaged sector of activity.
– Apart from reading, Mrs X is great, the treatment is great, there is no explanation of how the treatment is approached and it should be
treatment is approached when it should be the other way around. What is a typical day for a patient at this centre, what do they listen to, how, why?
What is the typical day of a patient in this centre, what is listened to, how, why, does this centre receive people one after the other or several at the same time, is there a follow-up, what are the types of failures, are the causes identified…”.

With Øreblue, Mrs Chettrit considers the person as a whole, an important criterion for me = therapy with 2 components. Musical re-education based on hearing curves and personal pain thresholds + emotional therapy. The emotions that weaken our senses. In this case the hearing sense. This part is intimate. Everyone is free to share it. I don’t do it anymore on any social network including Facebook.

The typical day is presented on the website: 2 hours of music listening per day over 5 days, in a very comfortable chair, in a room with several patients. 1 personal appointment at the beginning and end of each session. More if necessary, depending on our questions and our progress. On the weekends and during the rest of the day, everyone does what they want. We were able to visit the surrounding area and I have a beautiful collection of skies and small happinesses. Everyone is free to talk with patients.
Success of the therapy: follow-up of the music therapy + personal development. If the therapy exceeds the recommended 3 sessions, Mrs. Chétritt does not ask for any extra charge. She commits herself to taking us to the end.
So, I concentrate on the method which interests me a lot. My husband can attend my follow-up meetings. Additional appointments to go deeper, to do an exercise, to find a better way.

1. In terms of music rehabilitation: to repair a hearing dysfunction.
My eyelashes are not destroyed as my various carers have assured me for 23 years. My ear and brain need to find the software that was blown out because of an emotion that weakened my hearing. It’s fixable!!! Like a train that needs to be put back on track.

End of November 2019: 1st session very difficult to experience sound-wise, exhausting. Tears. As with any rehabilitation. To stay in the chair, I draw. This is allowed. No writing, no thinking, no consulting my mobile! Numerous breaks in the 2 hours of listening during at least 6 sessions.
The covid goes through here. Not easy to find a hotel at the 4th session. No worries with the confinement. I have been confined and excluded from/by society for 22 years. I feel less alone in my exclusion.

Interruption of the sessions during the summer of 2020 to welcome our guests, earn some money and pay back our loans. And then progress is slow. Because of my emotional journey. Not the right one. From the moment the right emotional path is found, progress resumes In wider and wider areas, no more traffic jams. High exhaustion, less time and the sky doesn’t fall in at the slightest sound. I can’t listen to music, let alone the violin. Then I switch from “talk shows” on TV to a few music programmes. Until summer 2021. Interruption of the sessions for summer reception. I can hear the sounds but the sound pains are going away, and faster with the help of the dedicated exercise. The left ear has reached its destination. A few more steps down to the right. Still not able to attend my daughter’s wedding party. My right ear arrives at its destination during the October 2021 session. The 11th!

November 2021: a year of consolidation. The brain and the auditory system are reconnecting to the sound life. And I have lost some tinnitus. The remaining ones are very weak.

2. On the emotional level
At the same time, Mrs. Chétritt made me experiment with psycho-genealogy, exploring the land of my emotions, looking for the very powerful one that made my auditory system pop. I learn exercises to calm the anger and aggressiveness generated by the incessant sound pain and its consequences, including exclusion from all areas of life so as not to suffer any more or ingest boxes and boxes of painkillers. She introduced me to research on epigenetics. I consulted a psycho-genealogist. I am comforted in my emotional research.
In my case, it is on another emotional path that I must go. Which one? 2 sessions of skating in 2020. This creates tensions but does not call into question my determination to come out of this therapy repaired, nor the accompaniment of Mrs Chétritt. I am convinced that this is the therapy of the last chance. Yes, it takes time, ups, downs, doubts. Time to find the right emotional path and this devastating emotion, while continuing the music therapy. I believe in it. The double therapy is consistent and necessary. My 3 friends are still faithful to the post.

3. Year of consolidation: earrings replace plugs
Everything I haven’t done for 25 years, or rarely and with KO over several days

– Testimonies are unverifiable: mine is verifiable.
I have also become very suspicious in 25 years of suffering, of trying to understand, of very disappointing therapies.
I have been in therapy from November 2019 to October 2021. I am in the consolidation year.
I have been severely hyperacusic since 1997 (42 years old), diagnosed in 2001, confirmed by the measurement of my threshold of tolerance made by the audioprosthesist and the (endless) list of all the painful sounds that she asked me. As soon as my ear perceives a sound and according to its nature = very strong pain (stings, piercing, blow on the head which pushes me into the ground, slap, burn, nerve pain like that produced by a chalk on the board…). Treatment recommended: “keep yourself busy to forget, don’t cut yourself off from sounds, go on the internet to see how to live with it”. + wearing a GBB for 18 months >> worsening of the hyperacusis = promises and 4000Fr in the bin, ½ of my salary. I am not phonophobic. I have had very liveable tinnitus since 1975, at 20 years old and 30% deafness due to anti-malaria drugs, ototoxic drug. I consult a lot, try many relaxation therapies. I have been wearing earplugs since 2004, but not at home, nor in my adapted job. I have an RQTH because I had a pathology recognised as disabling, but which did not become so; Hyperacusis = aggravating factor; it is not officially recognised but it makes me live in a sound hell and kills my life in all areas. Numerous sick leave, 3 years of long sick leave. I put an end to it thanks to my husband who saw me sink into depression. As my employer did not offer me a professional retraining, I had to sacrifice my job as a childcare worker. Refusing to live in total exclusion and complete silence, with the involvement of my husband and my three unfailing friends Patience, Perseverance and Hope, we built a life project to match everything I was losing, in a place adapted to my ears. It is a place of tourist reception that I also arrange for the hyperacousics and tinnitus. I talk (a little) about my experience on the website. I have been involved in a very active association since 2004 for which I accept to confront myself with a measured noise environment. At what price!

I testify since 2006: Ouest France, Presse Océan, Hebdo Sèvre et Maine, FR3 Pays dela Loire, Nantes 7. 13/01/2019: M6, in 66 minutes ” L’enfer des acouphènes ” = The chance of my life! This report was commissioned by the channel to an independent journalist and cameraman following an article about me more than 15 years ago which provoked reactions and travelled very far. I asked that “hyperacusis” be added to the title of the programme to avoid damaging confusion in the minds of viewers between tinnitus and hyperacusis. My request did not succeed, my morale was low and I wanted to exclude myself even more from life so as not to suffer any more, because I was not listened to or respected by the carers, the government and the politicians = I declined my participation. The journalist insists, I say to myself “I have nothing more to lose at this point. Who knows what the future holds for me.” Filming in November 2018. Journalists at their best. Alert from one of my trainees in the context of my Hosting activity on the reviews >> Angry reaction from an internet user who follows Øreblue and is very satisfied with it. I discover the Curative Øreblue Method.

– No publications on “this treatment” – certification means nothing about the quality of the treatment – no detailed publication of the results of the preclinical study or for the recruitment of patients – use of the term “study” instead of “trial” when testing on humans no detailed publication of the results of the preclinical study or for the recruitment of patients – use of the term “study” instead of “trial” when tests are carried out on humans – publication in Madame Figaro – no trace of the patent – the institute has no legal personality, it is another company which is domiciled at the address – fanciful results for hyperacusis according to me: 100% success rate – developed by a hearing aid specialist after years of study – looks like a vulgar TRT”.

I also doubted the 100% success for hyperacusis, the ability to get me out of 23 years of very severe hyperacusis under the yoke of a two-headed hearing monster. Reflection and personal choice. Everyone is free to check.

I am not a scientist nor competent in hearing matters, I trust the content of the website based on my criteria.
Mrs. Chetritt dissociates hyperacusis and tinnitus, even if they can be combined with deafness. Specific treatment for each pathology and individualised with personal hearing curves + pain threshold for hyperacusis. Prior diagnosis of 4 hours and all the time to think, to check, to make a decision and to organise. It took days and sleepless nights!

February 2019: diagnosis. My husband attends. I want to do this because he shares my problems. Live exchanges = I believe in the possibility of success for me. My husband too!
I check the statement: “The geographical location of our institute meets the specific needs of our patients with regard to the noise problems they suffer from. We are located in an area with no major traffic arteries, and the traffic around the institute is restricted, which obviously offers you the necessary comfort. The proximity of the city centre as well as the SNCF train station (we are located 6 minutes walk from the train station with a direct TGV link from Paris-Montparnasse in 2h30) contributes to the well-being of our clients, as do the hotel establishments close to our institute (150 to 300 metres) of the apartment-hotel type which can receive you for the night or for the week in an environment away from urban noise. Everything is true. Including the attention to the sound environment in the Institute.

I check that the transport from home to the institute is bearable: time, means, accompaniment.

Mrs. Chetritt submits her Method to clinical studies. Øreblue is the result of 23 years of research and major investments by a hearing care professional who is passionate about the subject. It is normal that she does not give information to the public about the design of her method.
The emotional part is part of the therapy.

2021: October: on the harbour, I listen to the clatter of the boats’ masts and the seagulls. Cousinade for 6 + bike ride. Family Christmas at home (15p with children), mass and carols.

2022: January: with my husband, we go skiing together, I cross France from Nantes to the Alps and back, I drive part of the way and we listen to Arielle Dombasle. February: I listen to an orchestra with violins in a musical programme. March: I go to the cinema, “Almost” a magnificent film with little music. April: the birdsong that used to kill my ears becomes melodious. It was about time, spring is coming. To my husband’s delight, I accompany him and take part in a joyful 50p dinner for 5 hours until the musical sequence is too loud; the guests all agree that it is also too loud for them; the next day, I can take part in a family lunch + a ¾ hour walk; very tired, no comatose knockout over several days.

What touches me so much are the reactions of all my family and friends when they see what I have been able to do for the past few months: “it’s remarkable”, “I’ll come back to see, but yes, you are really there with us”, “how happy I am for you”. Above all, my 8 grandchildren (between 4 and 16 years old) and my 4 sons-in-law are delighted to discover a grandmother and mother-in-law who no longer shushes when she laughs and sings happy birthday as a family.

And my husband lives again with me and for him, so happy to give him this gift after having supported me so much.