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Mrs Pépita G. – Papeete Tahiti

For months, I have been suffering from disabling hyperacusis for which the medical profession could find neither the causes nor remedies. There is no medical response to this disease. After several research on the Internet, the only care unit that proposed a method for hyperacusis management and advanced its healing was the “Hearing Institute of Resources” in La Rochelle. This institute proposed a therapeutic protocol developed by Mrs.Natacha Chetritt-Bonneyrat, the OREBLUE protocol that led to the cure of hyperacusis.

I decided to get in touch with this institute and then follow the OREBLUE protocol proposed by Mrs Bonneyrat.

It was a good idea.

Despite all the negative prognoses of the ENT and other doctors I had consulted and who had always told me that no treatment would overcome my hyperacusis, the OREBLUE method healed me and I can say today after 4 months of protocol set up by Natacha Bonneyrat that my hyperacusis is healed.

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