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Mrs Anne P.

Four years ago, a virus (it seems) threw me, in a few hours, into a state of pain and sideration. As a result of it, a deafness in my left ear accompanied by tinnitus and increased hyperacusis over the weeks.

Deaf, permanent tinnitus and hyperacusis in a few hours!

I will not comment on the state of mental and physical confinement, on the desire  to no longer live that causes this pathology too little known, too negligated…

I will not comment either on the indifference, incompetence and lack of empathy from specialists (and especially ENT…) and to all the desperate attempts to find, alone, on the Internet (useful in this case) a solution to relieve this pain.

Minor comment: Hyperacusis and tinnitus are not in the dictionary : are we as invisible as our handicap?

I travelled throughout France, and exploited all the possibilities available to me: various and varied ENT, sophrology, anti depressant, hypnosis, EMDR, psychologist, psychiatrist, TRT…

I cannot deny that sophrology, in its stress management and TRT- Tinnitus Retraining Therapy for tinnitus have brought me some relief.

And then, by chance (a facebook forum) allowed me to get in touch with Mrs. Chetritt-Bonneyrat audioprothesist and her “Hearing Institute of Resources” in La Rochelle.

I followed, during the first semester of 2018, the sound therapy against hyperacusis developed by Mrs. Chetritt-Bonneyrat in the calm and serenity of her institute.

I felt improvement after a few weeks and resulted not only in an obvious progress of the acoustic tests but also in a better tolerance to the noises of the outside and domestic world.

It is obvious that after 4 years of strong sensibility to the sound of all kinds, it is difficult to come back to normal.  I remain cautious about the potential for significant noise pollution and do not expose myself unnecessarily.

But I live so much better!

I remain severely handicapped by my tinnitus and I intend to follow in 2019 a new session at the institute of Mrs Chetritt-Bonneyrat to overcome entirely or partially (as it is explained on the site) this second «problem».

It is wonderful, that a person through her experience as a hearing aid, has taken an interest in this painful pathology.

Thanks to her listening skills, empathy, combative energy and expertise she has developed this therapy that I hope will help, again and again, many sick people often abandoned to their sad fate.

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