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Mrs Laure C. – Director of the Conservatory of Music

As a piano teacher in a conservatory, I developed hyperacusis accompanied by tinnitus following some embellishment work in my classroom. Indeed, changes in wall and floor coverings changed the acoustics of my workplace, making it offensive.

Hyperacusis set in little by little, over 5 years, then strong tinnitus broke out one night and stayed. 3 years later, after having visited all the dedicated medical centres, having tested all the existing pharmacopoeia, the white noise generators, having turned to all the alternative medicines, I had to stop working and playing the piano. I could no longer stand any sound, neither external nor my own body. Even the sound of my breathing became unbearable…

I was then referred to Professor Frachet at the Rothschild Hospital in Paris who performed an eardrum graft on my right ear. This operation reduced my tinnitus but had no effect on my hyperacusis.

I had been off work for nearly 6 years, without any social life or music, when I met Natacha. This meeting and the proposed therapeutic protocol allowed me to rediscover the world. Today, after having passed the relevant civil service exam, and having completed various studies, notably at Scpo Paris, I am very happy to direct the Conservatoire Musique Danse Théâtre as well as the Cultural Action of my region.

I consider the protocol followed at the Hearing Institute of Resources as the “reset” that my hearing aid needed. A real re-education, without equal. In less than 6 months I went from “this frequency even at 15 decibels is unbearable” to “I have no problem hearing this frequency at 100 decibels” and from “I cannot live” to “I exist again”.

My hyperacusis has been recognised as an occupational disease and I have applied for recognition as a disabled worker. Thus, all the costs concerning my illness are covered by the employer I had when the hyperacusis appeared and I can easily turn to the occupational medicine in case of need.

Thanking Natacha and her husband does not reflect the reality of what they both brought to me: listening, tolerance, benevolence, confidence, concrete and effective solutions.

After having been badly treated by the disease as well as by the incomprehension of part of the medical profession, my professional environment, my relatives… I have regained my dignity.

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