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Ms Maud G. – Student

M. and Ms Bonneyrat,

These are some words to thank you. Thank you for your support and your expertise.

Thank you Ms Bonneyrat for the treatments, your talents of Ear, Nose and Throat specialist and the total handling of the patient.

Thank you for the time you took. Thank you for consecrating your work to tinnitus and noise hypersensitivity.

Thank you M. Bonneyrat for your enthusiasm, the discussions after the hearings and the time you took !

Thank you for knowing both of the symptoms and the brain of hyperacusis.

Thank you Ms and M Bonneyrat for creating my method Oreblue and to keep this therapeutic protocol alive.

There are people we meet and who mark a life, for me you are those one. The tools of this support will guide me for a good part of my life.

I am so grateful for the long way traveled.

An immense thank you to you and  to the noise hypersensitivity which let me know you.

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