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Doctor Alexandra C. – Doctor

Four years ago, as a young, newly qualified doctor, my life changed overnight.  I became severely hyperacusic. I absolutely did not understand what was going on, all noises became unbearable, even the sound of my own voice. I lost everything, I ended up in a psychiatric ward for three months because I wanted to be put out.

In April 2019 I discovered that there was a therapy, the OREBLUE® therapy, where for the first time I discovered testimonies of hyperacousic people who spoke of healing. After a multitude of medical consultations, alternative medicine… after having tried everything without result, a glimmer of hope was offered to me. The last hope! I live in Reunion and the therapy takes place in La Rochelle. It’s quite a journey to get there when you’re hyperacoustic but it was my last chance.

I had my first interview with Mrs BONNEYRAT in December 2019.  Convinced and ready to invest myself totally I start my first session in February 2020. Mr and Mrs Bonneyrat are two exceptional people, very professional, attentive and caring. They are complementary. They are present at every difficult moment and in times of doubt. Mrs Bonneyrat has set up an innovative therapy, which gives hope and which works! I did six sessions in their centre. This place becomes a reassuring cocoon. Progress is gradually being made. The results are impressive, incredible, I am gradually getting my life back!

Almost six months after the end of my therapy I am still making progress, it’s wonderful. I can say that I am no longer hyperacusic, I am almost cured, I have returned to work, I have gone back to the restaurant, I no longer wear any hearing protection… I feel normal! Everyone around me is more than impressed with the results. It’s magical, magnificent!

I don’t have enough words to thank Mr. and Mrs. Bonneyrat for everything they have done for me (and for my spouse), this therapy has saved my life! A year ago I couldn’t even imagine being able to leave my house without a helmet… it’s a rebirth as a friend I met during the therapy said.

Mr. and Mrs. Bonneyrat are very available, even after the therapy is over. So I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart for having saved me, for having given me a life, for having given me back my smile. This therapy turned my life around but this time it turned into joy and happiness, the wonder of rediscovering the outside world.

Thank you again for everything.


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